Wait! – Don’t be so eager to throw out old carpet…

If you’re planning on a change of flooring in the coming months and you’re not sure what to do with the endless amounts of carpet, think twice before heading down to the dump or hiring a skip. Carpet is a highly beneficial form of material that can quite easily be transformed into something incredibly useful. It could certainly save you money in the long haul and potentially give you an excuse to take up more of your unwanted carpet around the house. Here’s a selection of useful roles your carpet could play in the future, such as this custom yoga mat.


Garages and outbuildings provide the perfect shelter for construction hobbies, mechanics, storage compartments and even a potential living space. The majority of outbuildings will have some kind of side project going on and it’s always useful to know that you’ve got somewhere to wipe your shoes during the rainier seasons. For example, you might have a cherished vehicle in the garage or a collection of valuable paintings that you’ve worked on for years. You can use your spare carpet to collect the mud so that it doesn’t affect your valuable belongings. In addition, you could create a more homely atmosphere in your outbuilding and transfer the carpet you have taken up to the concrete flooring.


So you’re thinking of getting a new coat of paint for your living room but you’re concerned about your cherished wooden flooring. It’s lucky you saved the old carpet as you can quite easily place it down as a temporary protector during paint work. Old carpet is great for protecting flooring during paint or DIY work and it’s totally reusable.

In the Garden

Old carpet is very effective in the garden and can be used for all sorts of gardening purposes. If you’re keen to get rid of the weeds in the garden then you can always cover them with old carpet. This prevents the sunlight from reaching the weeds, subsequently killing them off. It’s a better alternative to the chemical weed killers used by many gardeners and can always be exchanged with more carpet once it’s deteriorated. You can even use old carpet as a platform to grow your own plants or crops.


If you can’t see any useful opportunities for your carpet, consider donating them to the various carpet recycling companies found on the web. This is a better alternative to throwing them out as they are usually not recycled and end up on landfill sites.

If you require specialist carpet cleaning services, whether its dirt marks or paint stains, get in touch with Apple Clean today and we can offer you a bespoke range of cleaning services at the hands of highly trained professional cleaners.