Upholstery cleaning before Christmas

Your upholstery might be the ideal place to take a seat after the glorious Christmas dinner this year, so it’s important that you keep your upholstery clean on a regular basis and particularly before a large event such as this.Upholstery is usually cleaned on a regular basis as it’s a reasonably small job. Upholstery can also be quite an effective aspect of interior design so the majority of people that have upholstery will want to have it looking clean and fresh all the time. Whilst the upholstery cleaning services offered by Apple Clean are ideal to keep upholstery looking perfect, there are a few ways you can maintain healthy looking furniture in preparation for Christmas.upholstery-cleaning

Vacuuming is essential for all aspects of cleaning and upholstery is no exception. You can keep upholstery looking fresh over the festive period by vacuuming regularly. When dirt or surface soils become trapped in the fabric of upholstery, they can become embedded over time. This results in permanent dirt marks. Regular vacuuming will clear the dirt up before it has the chance to fix itself to the fabric.

It’s vitally important that any dirt that your upholstery is exposed to must be cleaned up in an abrupt fashion. If you have pets that bring dirt into the home from outside or if food has got stuck in the fabrics, cleaning this form of dirt up swiftly is essential. Cleaning fresh dirt marks is far easier than cleaning them when they have set in the fabric, so vacuuming your upholstery every day is the best way of maintaining healthy looking furniture.

In many cases you can clean your upholstery with a cleaning solution if it has been exposed to stains in the past. Neutral cleaners and possibly even water may be enough to do the job for stains, though it all depends on how long the stain has been present on your upholstery. Stains as a result of food can be cleaned however long it’s been present if you use the right solution, though stains from wine spillage or other forms of drink can be a bit more challenging.

It is highly recommended that, however small the dirt mark or stain, that you acquire specialist advice and services to clean upholstery. Furniture can be susceptible to further damage if the wrong cleaning solutions are used, making it all the more difficult to remove in the long term. Trained specialists are capable of identifying stains and dirt marks and applying the best solution techniques, so this is certainly the recommended route to go down.

Apple Clean provide an upholstery cleaning service with Chempsec treatments and utilise a gentle approach to prevent any risk of further damage. We then use brighteners to maintain colour and follow this up with turbo dryers.

There’s no doubt that seeking specialist treatment for upholstery is the recommended route to take, though you can maintain healthy looking furniture in the short term by following our cleaning advice.