Looking after your carpets this Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, you might be planning on hosting the annual festive party at your house this year. Of course, Christmas shouldn’t be a time where you are worrying about your home getting a tad messier than usual, though it might be a good idea to have a look at some of the cleaning services available here at Apple Clean beforehand to have your home looking fresh in time for all your visitors.

So what else is essential during Christmas time? Apart from all the gifts, games and large amount of calories, you may well already have a decorative Christmas tree up that you’ve purchased from the local garden centre. Ultimately, the Christmas season can have quite a dramatic effect on your fabrics and it can be noticeable once it’s over. So in what ways can your fabrics be affected and how can we prevent it?

If you decide to get a tree from a garden centre then you might want to consider a few things beforehand. First and foremost, real trees are real trees and they are going to need care if that’s your preferred approach for a Christmas tree. The odd bit of soil landing on your carpet can go unnoticed, whilst you’re also likely to have falling leaves to deal with.

What this does is purely temporary it would seem but this may not be the case. People who suffer from allergens present in trees or plants could be affected in the long term by allergens attaching themselves to the carpets. With this in mind, you might want to consider a carpet cleaning service after Christmas to be sure any potential allergens are gone.

So you’ve got your tree and it’s time for Christmas dinner. Whilst it seems pretty obvious, hosting Christmas dinner in a carpeted room can have potentially damaging effects on your carpet. It might not be the biggest issue you have to face over the next few weeks but it can be a real nuisance discovering a stain on the floor about a month after Christmas Day due to the obvious distractions over the festive period.

You can call on specialist cleaning services from Apple Clean and apply long lasting stain-resistant solution if you’d like to prevent this from happening or you can contact Apple Clean after the event to go through a thorough carpet cleaning service.

Finally, let’s say you get a puppy for Christmas this year. Well, maybe getting specialist cleaning advice wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all…