Last Minute Christmas Cleaning!

We’re all preparing to welcome our friends and family and get fully involved in all the festive cheer. Here are some essential cleaning tips to remember at the last minute so that all your guests are treated to a wonderful Christmas experience from the plentiful Christmas dinner to the fun-filled Christmas games.

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  • If you’ve opened lots of presents in the morning, try and get the place tidy as soon as possible. That means a last minute blitz of cleaning with all the main living areas accounted for; sofa’s properly assembled, magazine racks neatly assorted etc.
  • If you’re having guests stay the night, make sure you go to each guest room and clean them thoroughly. Change the blankets if possible and get rid of any clutter you’ve stored away. Give your guests some room to store their own belongings and open the windows to get rid of any dust that’s built up over time.
  • Get all the kitchen items you’ll need for a major cooking project the following day. Much of the kitchen items you’ll need on Christmas Day may not have been used for some time, so get these ready and clean them thoroughly beforehand. Cheeseboards, coffee makers and other once-a-year items will also need a thorough clean.
  • Champagne glasses will be needed on New Year’s Eve, so get these polished so that they’re sparkling and fit for any memorable occasion. Try not to put your most precious glasses in the dishwasher.
  • You’ll be constantly washing up all throughout the Christmas week, so keep on top of the process by avoiding piles of dishes. You could even allocate the washing up to different members of the family!
  • Once it’s all over, try and get the tidying up done as soon as possible so that you can go into the New Year feeling fresh and prepared for the rest of the wintery months.

Everyone at Apple Clean would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!