How To Cope With Common Spring Allergies

Allergies are commonplace throughout the spring season, whether you’re suffering from constant hay fever symptoms or repeatedly sneezing as a result of dust mites or dust particles during your upholstery spring clean.

It can become a real nuisance for some people who are particularly vulnerable, especially if you’re carrying out regular garden work or spend a lot of time outdoors. What’s more, it can put some people off deep cleaning furniture, curtains, carpets and other household furnishings that require dusting every once in a while.

Whilst you might think it’s something you’re just going to have to deal with, there are plenty of things you can to combat the irritation of a spring allergy. Here are some helpful steps to take to ensure that you don’t get badly affected by allergy symptoms this time around.

Gardening is something that we all enjoy doing, especially when the sun comes out and the warm weather starts to take over. However, it can be a serious problem if your enjoyment is halted by the threat of an allergic reaction to grass or tree pollen. For example, mowing the lawn is likely to throw grass into the air, resulting in easy exposure to allergens. If you’re finding that the general environment is causing your hay fever, you can take action to help combat the threat it poses.

Try wearing a protective mask when carrying out certain garden tasks, whether you’re planting seeds, raking leaves or mowing the lawn. In addition, if you’re aware of an allergy to dust mites and you’ve got the day scheduled for dusting and cleaning, you can take some allergy relief medication prior to the work to help soothe your symptoms.

Remember to always consult your doctor before taking medication of any kind. If you’re not satisfied with the medication you have, you can always visit an allergist who can prescribe you with other forms of medication to treat specific symptoms, from sneezing to itchy eyes, redness and swelling.

It can also be extremely beneficial to start taking medication early. This is because pollen and other outdoor allergens tend to begin circulating at the very early stages of spring, including February and through to early March. If you notice that the weather is surprisingly warm around this time of year, you should consider starting your medication early to control your symptoms.

Remember that this should also be considered if you’ve got an allergy to dust mites, dust particles or even animals, as the allergens they leave behind can pose more of a threat in warmer climates.