Creating the Perfect Domestic Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning schedules are a great way to get you motivated to clean the household regularly, whether it’s due to living with young children, coping with the aftermath of a house party or simply maintaining the neat layout of a home. Cleaning schedules can be weekly, monthly or even daily depending on the time you have available, whilst it can also involve one significant cleaning task such as specialist upholstery cleaning or a multitude of cleaning tasks laid out on a spreadsheet. The great thing about it is that you’ve got the freedom to choose a scheduling system that suits you.


Cleaning schedules aren’t anywhere near as daunting as you might expect, with just a few steps required for you to follow in order to achieve the perfect scheduling system. Schedules shouldn’t force you to work harder or contribute to any growing pressure – instead they should make you feel like you relieving the stresses of household cleaning jobs. The idea of having a schedule to relate to can give you the platform to maintain a structured, healthy cleaning routine for years to come. Here are the three steps you can follow to achieve this incredibly helpful cleaning schedule.

Step 1: What’s the Best Plan for You?

Consider how your life is currently structured. Are you away from home regularly? Do you work shift patterns or is there a set time that you return home every evening? Are you self-employed and working from home or perhaps retired? All of these possible lifestyles can help you choose a plan that suits your needs. Also think about how much leaning work you’d be happy to get done each day. Don’t give yourself too much to do because let’s face it, we’d rather be doing other things besides cleaning on a regular basis.

Step 2: Draw up the Task list

Now that you’ve sorted out times and dates, you need to separate up the different jobs you’ll be undertaking during the week and  create a task list that includes all the specific household appliances, furnishings and fabrics, from carpet cleaning to dusting bedroom mantelpieces. Drawing up a task list can be quite satisfying once you’re done but if you’d prefer to search for a completed task list elsewhere, there are plenty of examples available online.

Step 3: Complete Your Schedule

You can now combine your time schedule with the household jobs that need doing to form a completed schedule. Again, there are some handy templates available online for you to print off and stick on the fridge once they’re filled in. The best format for a completed schedule is to have specific columns for each day, week or month with the jobs that need doing on that particular date. Don’t be afraid to make the most of technology as well, with smartphones and other handheld devices capable of organising a schedule for you.