Cleaning in Time for the Easter Weekend

With Palm Sunday having just passed, we’ve now started Easter week and it’s time to prepare for what can often be a very busy time for many across the world. There are some countries that see it as a tradition to carry out plenty of spring cleaning jobs prior to Easter Weekend, which originates from an ancient Jewish tradition that focuses on cleaning in time for the Passover Feast.

The bank holidays are not far off now and many of us will be welcoming family for dinner and plenty of chocolaty Easter treats. So if you haven’t yet found the time to get some domestic upholstery cleaning done and need to occupy your time during the Easter break, here are some of the cleaning jobs you might want to prioritise.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is somewhere you’ll be spending plenty of time before the Easter weekend, whether it’s to prepare the dinner for the family or decorate some delicious chocolate nests and Easter eggs with the kids. Start by making sure the oven is in good condition before cleaning other food storage areas including the fridge. You should also make sure all surfaces are sanitised and ready for plenty of cooking and baking.

The Garden

If we’re lucky enough to enjoy some warm sunshine over the Easter weekend, we may well promote the idea of hosting an enjoyable Easter egg hunt with kids. In this case, you’ll need to make sure the garden is in good shape with the grass mown (if it is dry enough) and plants watered.


You might find that your home turns into accommodation for friends and family over the Easter weekend, so make sure that all bedrooms are dusted and any dirty laundry is washed, including bed sheets and linen. Bathrooms should also be thoroughly cleaned, especially if they are to be used by your guests.

The Living Room

For those who like to celebrate Easter with family gatherings, expect to host a few games and perhaps an evening film over the Easter weekend. In order to prepare for this, make sure the living room is well dusted and sofas are either cleaned or reorganised to look good as new once again. Also make sure that there’s a place for everyone to sit down!

If you’re heavily occupied over the Easter period but need to make sure your home is clean in time for the weekend, call Apple Clean today and take full advantage of our in-situ curtain cleaning service as well as all our other specialist domestic cleaning services. We look forward to hearing from you.