Bed Bug Outbreaks On The Rise – How to Stop Them

Pest control experts recently claimed that the number of bed bug cases have doubled over the past six years, with London and the South East seeing the worst of the outbreaks.

It’s not quite known why there’s been such a significant increase but many have linked it to the growing number of foreign nationals inhabiting hotels and hostels, which are notorious hotspots for bed bugs.

As we’re still recovering from a financial crisis, many hotel and hostel owners have been given decreased budgets to work with which ahs severely hampered their ability to deal with bed bugs through specialist cleaning services.

So let’s say you’re quite generous when it comes to renting out rooms or perhaps you have your own room rental business going, what can you do to prevent bed bugs from infesting your fabrics? Here are some helpful tips to follow if you’re looking to deal with a problematic bed bug crisis.

Step 1

You can kill a bed bug infestation by removing the infested fabric and throwing it in the dryer for around 30 minutes at 60 degrees. This works well if you know the bed bug problem is localised but it can be quite a tedious job if you’re dealing with multiple rooms and bed sheets that might have been in close contact with infested fabrics.

Step 2

Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any bugs you see on mattresses and sue a torch so that you can look over the entire bed. It’s quite possible that you won’t be able to find them all, so don’t just rely on this method. Make sure you remove the contents of the vacuum cleaner in a sealed bag.

Step 3

There are plenty of pest control products available that you can use to kill off any lingering bed bug but as we continue to use these products, bed bugs gradually become more resistant to them. Standard insect repellents tend not to work.

Step 4

The final step, if you’re still having trouble, is to get rid of the infected mattress completely. This is always the best bet if you want to be 100% sure about stemming the outbreak, yet you’ll have to buy a new mattress.