5 Essential Chores to Get Done Before Summer Kicks In

Summer is well and truly on the way and we’ve experienced some particularly warm and pleasant weather conditions over the last few weeks. Therefore, it’s now time to start focusing on all the typical summer cleaning jobs you’ll need to get done before the hottest months arrive, from upholstery cleaning to leather cleaning.


Gardens will go on a rampage, the kids will be at home and the pollen count is at its highest, so what exactly should you prioritise for your domestic cleaning schedule? Here’s what you need to get done over the next few weeks to make sure your home is fully prepared for the most demanding time of year!

Take Advantage of the Season

The truth is, you should be looking ahead to later in the year when going over your summer cleaning jobs. Cleaning and home maintenance companies are usually offering discounts over the summer, as are gutter installers, window washing firms and chimney sweepers, so take advantage and get these potentially expensive last-minute jobs done early on!

Get the First Aid Kit Ready

Summer brings along its fair share of potential health concerns, including everything from intense hay fever to kids suffering from the odd bruise or scrape. Most of these emergencies are minimal but you’ll need to make sure your first aid kit is rid of outdated medication and equipped with new adhesive bandages, plasters and hot/cold packs for any insect bites.

Clean the Patio

You’re likely to spend a lot of time outside during the summer, so it’s important to make sure your patio is clean and free from weeds and dirt. Use a combination of a screwdriver and some rags alongside all-purpose cleaner to get rid of any grime or moss building up between patio slabs.

Do a Car-Boot Sale

There’s no better way of decluttering your home than by selling on some of the stuff you no longer need. Make a checklist of all the things you don’t need by doing a quick round of your home and before you know it you’ll have transformed trash into cash!

Inspect Guttering

The gutters may have taken a real battering over the winter and with the weather improving by the week, summer is certainly the best time for you to check your gutters. Clean out any leafy debris so that those unprecedented summer thunderstorms are well prepared for.


Don’t forget to contact Apple Clean today for all your domestic cleaning requirements. Our team of professional cleaners use the latest cleaning solutions and equipment to guarantee a thorough and dependable job every time.