4 Ways to Make Cleaning More Enjoyable

We’ve battled through what experts regard as the most depressing day of the year, so we’re thinking of ways to promote the spirit of what can often be seen as a tedious chore, especially once Christmas comes to an end.

Cleaning can often be quite demanding, especially when a host of jobs have built up over the holiday period. Thankfully, there are a number of ways you can make house cleaning a bit more enjoyable.

So in the wake of Blue Monday, we’ve put together a few tips you can use to motivate yourself to get the cleaning done and perhaps even enjoy the drab experience.

Get Others Involved

If you’re finding it hard to cope with a plethora of cleaning jobs all at once, it can help to have a word with the rest of the family or perhaps others who live with you to try and work together.

House cleaning can be done much faster when you’ve got a number of people on the case, so all you need to do now is separate up tasks for each of your cleaning companions.

You could get your kids to pick up the toys they’ve left lying around or perhaps assign specific rooms to each of your housemates. Either way, having your family or friends involved in the cleaning process relieves all that unnecessary stress.

If you simply can’t find the time to get everyone involved in the cleaning process, you can always call on the experts to provide you with professional cleaning services, such as in-situ curtain cleaning or upholstery cleaning.

Open the Windows

Promoting healthy airflow when cleaning will make you feel a whole lot better, especially when dusting.

Fresh air improves the atmosphere of your home tenfold and gets rid of the stuffy atmosphere you’d usually associate with a cluttered living space.

You should open the windows when dusting tabletops, windowsills and cabinets as you could be exposing yourself to potentially harmful allergens.

Play Music

Whether you’ve got an entire stereo system set up in the living room or some portable speakers, playing music when cleaning will help keep your mind off the boring aspects of cleaning.

Music will also keep you awake and help you to feel occupied when cleaning, so you’ll find that moving from one job to the next becomes a whole lot easier.

Reward Yourself

The reward for cleaning is often a spotless living area, but there’s certainly no harm in treating yourself to something for a job well done.

Treat yourself to a favourite snack while enjoying a few books or films for a while, as this will help you feel relaxed and less stressed out after what can often be quite a frustrating process.

Feel your property could do with the help of professional cleaners? Contact Apple Clean today on 0800 587 4571 and we’ll take you through our comprehensive range of specialist cleaning services.