4 steps on how to deal with a watermark on your sofa

cleaning a beige sofa

Even if you’re careful with your upholstered furniture and take good care of it, accidents can and do invariably happen. When you suddenly spot a fresh stain or watermark on a sofa or armchair, it can seem like the end of the world – but it doesn’t have to be.

Here’s Apple Clean’s 4-Step Guide on how to remove a watermark stain on upholstered furniture, or at least reduce its appearance, to prolong the lifespan of the item.

1 – Prepare the area

The first step to removing watermarks from upholstered furniture is to identify what the stain is and prepare the area for the appropriate cleaning method. First check that what you’re dealing with is, indeed, a water stain and not something else as this could change the approach you take to cleaning. Once you’re sure it’s water, sanitise the area by giving it a thorough vacuum to remove dust or debris, and follow up with a lint roller to make sure the area is completely clean.

2 – Dab and rub gently

Once the area is as clean as possible, you can start to tackle the stain itself. Take a soft cloth dampened in cold water and start to gently dab and rub at the stain. Work slowly and carefully, and always according to the manufacturers’ instructions – there should be a care label on the furniture. While some fabrics are more hardwearing than others, it’s always best to work gently, particularly if you’re dealing with watermarks as opposed to other types of stain removal.

3 – Work from the outside in

Dab and rub gently and in a circular motion, working from the outside of the water stain, towards the centre. That way, you will stop the stain from spreading further, concentrating your cleaning efforts around the original watermark. If all you are trying to remove is a watermark as opposed to cleaning up a stain, clean water may be all you need.

4 – Dry the area thoroughly

Once the cleaning process is complete, take a stack of paper towels and place them on top of the wetted area. Put something heavy, say 2-3 hardback books, on top or press down firmly with your hands, to apply pressure. When most of the moisture has been absorbed from the freshly cleaned fabric, use a hairdryer on a cold setting to dry the area off completely. If the watermark hasn’t completely gone, you can remoisten the area and repeat the process. With care, time and patience, it should come out.

Get in Touch

At Apple Clean, we offer a range of professional upholstery cleaning services to ensure that your home stays hygienically clean and looking fresh at all times.  Our experienced team of operatives can deal with watermarks and stain removal on three-piece suites, settees, armchairs and any other upholstered furniture. If you’re struggling to remove a stain or watermark yourself, or would rather not risk further damage and want a professional cleaner to deal with it, give us a call today on 0800 587 4571.