3 Quick and Easy Summer Cleaning Tips for Kids

It’s a celebratory time of year for many of us in June and July as the summer weather starts to emerge and the kids are breaking up from school. What this ultimately means is an increasing demand for round-the-clock cleaning regimes.

When our kids are home we are forced to clean up after them on many occasions, so having them at home for most of the summer is likely to mean plenty of cleaning over the next few months. Here are some helpful tips you can follow to ensure your home stays as tidy as possible throughout the summer months…

Introduce Kids to the Washing Basket etc.

You often don’t have time to educate your kids about the basics of tidying up after themselves during the school terms, so now is an excellent opportunity for you to explain to them that they need to start cleaning up after themselves. Encouraging them to de-clutter and keep the house tidy of all their belongings reduces the risk of allergens building up in the household.

Don’t Let Dirt in the House

Kids will spend plenty of time out in the sun this year, with weather conditions et to improve drastically towards the end of the month here in the UK. Make sure your children wash their hands whenever they come in from the outdoors to prevent allergens from spreading as well as harmful bacteria and other nasty viruses. You certainly don’t want your kids to be unwell over the time they are off school.

Avoid Payment for Chores

Summer is about being out and about, or at least up on your feet. If your kids are demanding something return for the work they do, the need to learn that a job well done is enough satisfaction after washing the dishes or cleaning their rooms. Over time your kids will understand that they are making a significant contribution to the family and tidying up will become second nature to them.

Summer is a time to enjoy life and spend quality time with your kids, so keep them in a positive spirit throughout the next few months and you’ll have no problem convincing them that cleaning up is just as satisfying as an ice cream at the seaside.

For specialist domestic cleaning services for your home this summer, from upholstery cleaning to stain removal, contact Apple Clean today.