3 Helpful Tips for Cleaning Over the Christmas Period

Cleaning over the Christmas period can be particularly daunting, especially when you consider all the scraps of Christmas dinner, the odd bits of tinsel and the overwhelming presence of used wrapping paper that you’ll evidently have to deal with at some stage.


Thankfully, Christmas is a great time to get your house in order, with specialist cleaning services regularly called upon during this time of year. If you’re keen to have very few cleaning jobs to do over the Christmas period, follow our helpful and comprehensive range of Christmas cleaning tips here at Apple Clean.

Put Up Decorations As Early As Possible

We’re not all fans of the extravagant lighting or the plethora of tinsel but either way, getting the decoration phase out of the way as early as you can is a helpful tip to follow. While most wouldn’t dare visit the loft for all their Christmas decorations until December, having them ready for unpacking is incredibly useful.

You should also put time aside to decorate, perhaps the odd Sunday, as this means you won’t be putting decorations up on top of other plans and disrupting any organised plan you were hoping to follow.

Vacuum Twice as Often

With Christmas comes no small amount of chocolate and sweets, so there’s almost certainly going to be plenty of old wrappers lying absolutely everywhere. If your kids have advent calendars or if you put a selection of Christmas treats on the kitchen table expect there to be plenty of vacuuming over the next couple of weeks.

Of course, if gifts or cards are opened early, you may even have to deal with wrapping paper before the big day. Simply put some time aside to vacuum twice as often.

Look After the Tree!

This one doesn’t necessarily apply to those of us who use artificial Christmas trees every year but the popularity of genuine Christmas fir or pine trees continues to soar.  Christmas trees can bring allergens in with them and shed leaves and soil at times, so it’s a good idea to keep that corner of your home spotless.

If you notice you’re suffering from any common tree-related allergy after bringing in the Christmas tree, you can replace it with an artificial tree. Also try and keep pets away from Christmas trees as they can easily transport allergens around the house this way.