Back to School! – Essential Cleaning Tips Once School Starts Again

As we approach the beginning of the school year once again, it’s important to remember that your kids will be spending a lot of their learning time at home as well as in the classroom. The summer cleaning rota can be put to one side until next year and you’ll need to introduce an entirely new home cleaning plan. Here are some helpful home cleaning and reorganisation ideas for when the kids return to school next month…

Prepare Uniforms and Clothing

Start by going through cupboards and drawers and replacing old clothes with new, fresh clothing and uniforms if necessary. This ensures that your child has all the essential clothing prepared for the often stressful introductory week ahead. Do an extensive shopping trip for clothes beforehand and reorganise shelves and cupboards so that clothes can be stored efficiently and within easy reach.

Find a Good Place for Home Study

Homework is a big deal these days and your child may require all kinds of resources to complete it successfully and to the best possible standard. Find a designated study area in your home and carry out a thorough professional cleaning job before reorganising the space. Make your child aware of this area and have them do any homework they are assigned here.

A School Bag Zone

When your kids come home from school the last thing they want to do is worry about tidying up after themselves. All you need to do to counter this is introduce a school bag area where they can throw their things once they get home. A small storage bin or marked area on the floor near the front door is the perfect spot.

If you’re hoping to go into the new school year with a home cleaned to a professional standard, from in-situ curtain cleaning to carpet cleaning, get in touch with Apple Clean today and make the most of our expert services.